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For information on how to launch a GCC in your local area, or for a presentation to your community group or association, please contact:

Breakout Educational Network
[email protected]

TORONTO, March 25, 2013 – During the Canadian combat mission in Afghanistan, people of all ages would line Ontario’s famed Highway of Heroes to pay respect as convoys passed carrying the bodies of fallen soldiers. It was a powerful symbol of the bond between ordinary Canadians and our men and women in uniform.

But are symbols enough? Has our military, in fact, grown estranged from the very society it protects?

RECOVERING OUR HONOUR: Building The Bond Between Citizens And Soldiers, a four-part documentary series from Stornoway Productions in association with the Breakout Educational Network, considers the state of civil-military relations today in Canada, the U.S. and Great Britain. Why do we have a military? What is it for – and what is our responsibility, as citizens, to those who serve in the armed forces? Most important, how can we strengthen the ties between the military and civilian worlds?

Recovering Our Honour airs on ichannel from Monday April 8 to Thursday April 11 at 9 pm and Midnight ET. The series is hosted by Senator Pamela Wallin.

Monday April 8 –
In The Beginning: Citizen Soldier

At a time when the military is largely invisible in much of the country, the Canadian Forces reserves can act as a “positive footprint” for the armed forces in our communities and workplaces. This documentary examines the experiences of reservists – the part-time volunteers who have become the backbone of the Canadian armed forces.
Tuesday April 9 –
Leadership Lost: No Country For Young Men

Through much of the 20th century, Canadian universities hosted leadership and officer training for the country’s armed forces, helping to forge an important link between the military and civil society. Then, during the social upheaval of the 1960s, these university officer training programs were abolished. This documentary takes a look back at a lost tradition.
Wednesday April 10 –
Leadership Found: For Queen And Country

While officer training programs at Canadian universities are long defunct, the tradition continues in the U.K., where the Officer Training Corps provides teaching in leadership skills for hundreds of students each year. This documentary asks why the OTC is considered the best club on campus – and whether such a program could work in Canada today.
Thursday April 11 –
Leadership Renewed: Bridging The Gap

In the U.S., civil-military relations have reached a crisis point. Most Americans know little about their military, and few members of the country’s leadership class have any experience serving in uniform. The military, meanwhile, sees itself increasingly as a world apart. This documentary asks how the bond between U.S. citizens and soldiers became so badly frayed, and considers one hopeful sign of change: the re-emergence of the Reserve Officer Training Corps program, which was dropped by many Ivy League schools during the Vietnam era, but has lately been reinstated at elite institutions such as Harvard, Columbia and Yale.

Recovering Our Honour is the follow-up to the Gemini Award-nominated series A Question Of Honour, which examined Canada’s foreign and defence policies.


London Events and Meetings

Speakers for February, March and April:

Randy Warden
Celebrate London, Interim Manager of Eldon House
Topic: Eldon House - It's role in military life

General Elliot Ness,
Selfridge AFB, Michigan
Topic: Experiences of a Fighter Pilot in Vietnam

John W. Richmond
Director of Community Outreach Garrison Community Council of Niagara
Topic: GCC Niagara - Update of Activities

More London Events -click here

Niagara Events

Information on events coming soon.