

Breakout Educational Network and the University of Alberta's Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative Launched For Canadian Forces

Minister of Defence Peter MacKay today announced the launch of the Breakout Educational Network's Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative (CMLPI) with a partnership between the University of Alberta and the Canadian Armed Forces. Beginning this September the 4 year pilot program is intended to test the concept for a national program focusing on leadership, citizenship and nation-building.
Click here for Press Release

Related Links:
CMLPI owes much to efforts of the Breakout Educational Network
CMPLI is an important step forward.
Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative -Testimony by Breakout to the Senate Committee
Peter MacKay on Breakout's crucial role in the CMPLI
Full Comment from Matt Gurney (National Post) about bridging the gap between the military and Canadian citizens offers professional essay writing service at affordable price for ENL and ESL students studying in Canada

Comments About CMLPI
"After all your persistent efforts and the sometimes gloomy forecasts over the years BEN (Breakout Educational Network) has created something unique, a citizen initiated major federal policy aimed, in this case, at establishing a CF/student connection in a Canadian university."
-Dr. Douglas Bland, L. Col (Ret'd), Former Chair of Defence Studies at Queen's University
"Wow! Congratulations to you and your colleagues upon realizing a dream that took so many years of hard work and faith. I'm so happy for you and for all Canadians that will benefit from this great initiative."
- John Rankin, Director, DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University
"This initiative by Breakout Educational Network and the Canadian Forces is a testament to the power of leadership and educational synergy. As a writing service, we often hear students say ', write my research paper for me,' and we understand the importance of supportive environments that enhance learning and leadership. This pilot program is a prime example of how educational collaborations can enhance personal and community development. Congratulations to all the visionaries behind this pioneering effort." - Paul Connolly, Chief Editor / Academic Writer

RECOVERING OUR HONOUR: Building the Bond Between
Citizens and Soldiers

This four-part documentary series looks at why the bonds of the civil military relationship are important, why they have been weakened and how they can be re-connected. Hosted by Senator Pamela Wallin, this series was filmed in Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA.
Click here for details

Bridging The Gap, the fourth program in the documentary series Recovering Our Honour, explores the clash of cultures that lies behind today's civil-military crisis & examines the role played by the university-based Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program in advancing civil-military relations in the United States.
Click here for Website

New 7 Year Project Video
  This 7 Year Project video was presented at
CDA/CDI 2012 Ottawa Conference on Defence
and Security February 2012
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Click here for French Video

Canadian Officers Training Corps
Plaque Unveiling at
University of Toronto
Click here for story
Award Winning Books Available From Breakout Educational Network at
  More Videos from Breakout Educational Network

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  Breakout Educational Network's Rob Roy - "A strategic rational for Canadian defence
  does not exist and none can be invented, but that is no excuse for cultural disarmament."
  Click here for article